img_74781Congratulations! You have survived the first weeks of school: the drop-off anxiety, new teachers, new friends, and adjusting to the school routine! Your child is feeling more comfortable, but you may still have a few (or many!) questions about what exactly your child is learning and how he/she is doing all day at Spanish Schoolhouse!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are a great opportunity for receiving and giving! As a parent, you want to receive information: How your child is adjusting to school, and how he/she is doing socially and academically? Be sure to bring your list of questions.  However, it is also a time for you to share information with your child’s teacher(s). Tell them about your child’s strengths and weaknesses, what motivates him/her, and any special interests. In this way, you and the teachers can work together as a team, creating the best possible learning environment for your child!

At Spanish Schoolhouse, we provide Progress Reports three times per year, in October, January, and May. Conference times are available to all families in the month of October, but please know that you are welcome to schedule a conference after receiving the second and third report, or at ANY time that you have questions or concerns. We welcome the opportunity to communicate with you about your student’s progress!

Our October conferences focus on the student’s adjustment to the class, social/emotional development, and fine and gross motor skills. Teachers will review the academic goals for the year, asking parents to keep in mind that these are the goals for the children to achieve by the end of the school year. Please, don’t worry if your child is still “working on” the skills for their age level!

Many parents would love to know how their child’s Spanish language skills are progressing. If it is his/her first year, it is premature to assess Spanish vocabulary, especially for the little ones. Understanding a language always precedes speaking, so teachers should be able to give a general idea of the student’s comprehension level.

Kindergarten Progress Reports differ in that an evaluation of both languages is done in the fall. Students are evaluated only on concepts that have already been covered. You will have an opportunity to see the assessment and talk about homework, class routines, and the ways in which each student will begin to gain independence this year. This is a big year, as the structure is different than preschool, with new rules, more formal subjects, etc. Kindergarten lays the foundation for success in elementary school, and we want your child to be well prepared, both academically and socially!

Our hope is that you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about your child’s progress at Spanish Schoolhouse, as well as share more about your child with his/her teachers. A strong home-school connection helps to set the stage for children to grow up with a love of learning. We appreciate your time. See you at conferences!