During the month of November, Spanish Schoolhouse classes will focus on being thankful for what we have, and on giving back through community service. Students will participate in projects for their local communities (details in a future blog post!). Spanish Schoolhouse, as a company, is following the lead of the students, and giving back to a part of the Latin community in extreme need, specifically in Peru.
In 2014, Spanish Schoolhouse became a sponsor of an organization in Peru called My Small Help (Mi Pequeña Ayuda). My Small Help’s mission is to provide a brighter future to those living in extreme poverty and/or with a disability, through education and skills training. My Small Help recently sent us an update, which we are excited to share with our families!
In the first semester, Spanish Schoolhouse, together with the Municipal program, helped provide daily breakfast, materials, and transportation for physical therapy and learning activities to seven children with physical and mental disabilities in the Ollantaytambo community.
In the second semester, we are helping a group of nine individuals (children, adolescents and adults with disabilities) with financial assistance for medical and legal expenses. In addition, they are able to attend specialized classes, reading workshops and craft classes for mothers to help them be more independent and improve their quality of life.
My Small Help works with people in need to develop a long- term sustainable income plan, providing hope for their future. Spanish Schoolhouse is so pleased to provide our small help in making this mission a reality.
If you’d like to learn more about My Small Help, please visit http://www.mysmallhelp.org/peru.php or www.facebook.com/MySmallHelpPeru.
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