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Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarEnglish Class? At Spanish Schoolhouse? You Bet! Here’s Why!
Yes, we are a Spanish-immersion preschool, but you may not know that some English is taught here as well! In addition to our dual-language Kindergarten, our three and four-year-old classes look forward to a 30-minute visit from a native English-speaking teacher every...
What’s for Lunch? ¿Qué hay para almorzar?
Fresh Ideas for Lunchboxes from Far and NearIf you find it a challenge to put together school lunches that are appealing, easy to eat, and nutritious, you’re not alone. Whether your little one is at preschool twice a week or every day, you may find yourself running...
A Day at SSH – Oh, to Be A Fly on the Wall!
It’s been a few weeks since your child started the school year, you’ve finally mastered the morning routine, and drop-offs are going (mostly) smoothly. Now that you have a moment to stop and take a breath, you begin to wonder, “What are they doing in school all day?”...
Periquito Azul: Fun Facts about our Feathered Friend
Periquito in the SchoolSpanish Schoolhouse’s mascot, “Periquito Azul,” is a favorite with all the students! This friendly blue hyacinth macaw has been a part of the SSH family since our very early days, and it all started with a little song. One of our first teachers...
Turning Tears to Smiles – Ways to Ease Separation Anxiety
It’s finally here, the first week of school! During the summer, you and your little ones have built excitement about starting preschool. You may have driven by your school in anticipation, perhaps bought a new lunch box or backpack, and attended Meet the Teacher...
A Peek Inside Spanish Schoolhouse
Are you considering a language immersion experience for your preschooler? Or maybe you’ve registered for this fall and can’t wait?! Or perhaps you have a baby and are just exploring what is out there for language preschools?Language immersion is a unique experience...
Don’t Let Their Young Brains Take a Vacation!
Do you feel like summer is a time to relax and take a break from the structure of the school year, yet you don’t want your children’s brains to forget all they have learned? If you are like most parents, you want them to engage their minds while doing something fun,...
Survey Says….. Parent Feedback makes us better!
Every year, we survey currently enrolled families about their opinions of our programs and ways we can improve. We also survey parents of students who’ve graduated to ask about their transition to elementary school. We beam with pride when we hear the success...
Away We Go for Summer Camp Fun! ¡A Divertirse!
We are getting ready for summer fun, Latin style! Preschool and Kindergarten academics give way to exciting topics like cowboys, ecology, beaches, and Latin festivals! We’ll dive into each themed camp, learning interesting facts and related vocabulary, all in...
The Joys of Sensory Play… or Why Letting Your Child Make a Mess is OK!
At Spanish Schoolhouse our curriculum is rich with sensory learning activities. Hands-on, messy sensory play is an awesome way for little ones to learn! Here’s why the clean-up is worth the effort, both at school and at home:Exploring textures, smells, colors, and...
Three Steps to Implementing Love and Logic
1. Show empathy! As silly as it seems to an adult, the color of a sippy cup can create a crisis for a child. For that child, the crisis is real, so do not dismiss it. Have a tender, meaningful, short phrase that you use consistently to change the mood from...
Lifetime Advantages of Bilingualism
Language immersion programs are popping up all over the U.S., immersing children in Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, and more. What’s fueling this demand? A growing body of research shows that bilingualism gives children awesome lifetime benefits, regardless of the...
Easier, Happier Handwriting at Spanish Schoolhouse
Handwriting Without Tears® (HWT) is a fun, multisensory program to help children develop fluent, legible handwriting as an automatic, mastered skill. The system behind it was created over 30 years ago by an occupational therapist, and it has been used with millions...
Sharing from the Heart at Spanish Schoolhouse
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving and ordinary opportunities into blessings.” William Arthur WardWhat a wonderful opportunity we have to discuss and model gratitude with our preschoolers and kindergartners during the month of November! Our...
Spanish Schoolhouse Opens Immersion Preschool in Round Rock, TX
Spanish Schoolhouse is coming to North Austin! We are so excited to offer Spanish preschool immersion in Round Rock, TX! Beginning October 17, 2016, our beautiful new campus at 4000 Sunrise Rd, Bldg. 2 will offer full-time and part-time preschool enrollment options,...
Tips for a Successful Parent-Teacher Conference
Congratulations! You have survived the first weeks of school: the drop-off anxiety, new teachers, new friends, and adjusting to the school routine! Your child is feeling more comfortable, but you may still have a few (or many!) questions about what exactly your child...
Celebrating our Cultures: Hispanic Heritage Month
The colors, sights and sounds of Latin America and Spain are all around us this month, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage! For almost 50 years, the US has observed National Hispanic Heritage Month. This celebration recognizes the historical and cultural contributions...
Spanish Schoolhouse Immersion Preschool Opens in Sugar Land, TX
We are excited to be expanding our reach to offer preschool Spanish immersion in the Sugar Land, TX area! Beginning October 3, 2016, our beautiful new campus at 1120 Soldiers Field Drive in Sugar Land will offer full-time and part-time preschool enrollment options,...